How our support service works
Find out what we offer, what you can expect of us and how we can support you.
Our support services
Who do you help?
We offer free support anyone aged 13 and over who has been affected by any form of sexual violence. We work across the whole Forth Valley area of Clackmannanshire, Falkirk and Stirlingshire.
Our support service is open to survivors of all genders. We offer women only space to survivors who feel uncomfortable around men, and we will ask you about this at your initial appointment.
We can support you if you have experienced sexual violence at any time in your life. Sometimes it can take time to be able to talk about what happened, or even to recognise that what you experienced was abuse. We are here for you whether you experienced sexual violence a few days ago, or many decades ago.
Sometimes young people can be concerned that we will want to speak to their parents, or share information without their permission. Young people are welcome to contact our service independently, and the only time we would have to do this is if we think you are currently in any danger and where possible we would discuss this with you first, and involve you as much as possible.
If you are under 13, please call Childline on 0800 1111 who can offer support at any time either by phone or chat.
How do I get in touch?
It takes a lot of courage to get in touch with a rape crisis centre to ask for support, so we try to make this as easy as possible.
You can phone us on 01786 439244 (Monday-Friday, 9-5) or email us at
All workers who answer the phone or respond to emails have been trained in supporting survivors of sexual violence. If it feels like too much to call yourself, a friend/family member can call to make an appointment on your behalf. We will have to check with anyone who calls on your behalf that they have your permission to do so.
Our service is confidential. That means that we will not tell anyone you have contacted us or speak to anyone about you, without you agreeing, unless someone is at risk of serious harm. We can tell you more about this when you contact us.
What if I need support and you're not open?
We are part of Rape Crisis Scotland and the network of rape crisis centres across Scotland. We can arrange for another centre to see you if you prefer to do this outwith Forth Valley, for example if you work in another area and it is more convenient.
What happens when I contact you?
If you decide that we offer is right for you, we will put you on a waiting list to be picked up by a support worker. The length of our waiting list varies and this is something we will discuss with you during your initial appointment. We know that it takes a lot of courage to get in touch with us and it can then be difficult to be placed on a waiting list, so for this reason we operate a weekly drop in that you can use as often as you like. You will be given more information about this at your initial appointment.
We offer 15 weeks of support. This can be extended if necessary and is something you and your support worker will discuss together during your sessions.
Do I have to go into detail about what happened to me?
Is what I tell you confidential?
Can you help me report what happened to the police and go to court?
If you’re not yet sure whether you’d like to report a recent sexual assault to the police, then you can contact The Meadows, which can offer a forensic medical examination without you having to speak to the police. They can store forensic evidence while you decide whether you’d like to report in future or not. Details can be found here:
What if I made an appointment and didn't come in - can I come back?
Access and inclusion
How do I access support as a D/deaf person?
Here is their BSL information on sexual violence.
My friend/family member needs support from your service but she does not speak English - can you provide interpreters?
We are also able to offer support in Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese, Polish, Greek, and Swedish.
See our information about sexual violence in other languages.
Can I access support if I have learning difficulties?
You have the right to a confidential service, which means that we don’t tell anyone that you are coming here or what you have said unless you give us information that makes us think that you are currently in any danger or another person is at risk. For more information on sexual violence experienced by adults with learning difficulties take a look at our Easy Read Booklet.
Can I access support if I am lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender?
We know that trans people can experience disproportionate rates of sexual violence and may feel unable to access sexual violence support services in the past because of fear of discrimination. However, our service is here to support you and all of our staff and volunteers have received training in issues related to gender identity.
Other access issues
In this section
- Get support
- Want to talk?
- How our support service works
- Reporting to the police
- How reporting sexual violence to the police works
- How the criminal justice system works
- Evidence in sexual assault cases
- Claiming compensation
- Glossary of legal terms
- Support for recent rape or sexual assault
- Support for friends and family
Speak to us
We want to hear from you. Phone us on 01786 439244 or email us.